Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Blue Light Blocking Glasses For Sleep: Improve Your Well-Being

When was the last time you had naturally good sleep? Have you ever considered that unguarded exposure to blue light could be to blame? Perhaps, your nature of work requires you to use computers often. The early signs of  Computer Vision Syndrome can come on unexpectedly, especially when you spend hours on computer screens; plus, they tend to get worse as we age. The fact is, blue light is reflecting directly into our eyes at levels much greater than ever before. To adjust, our bodies limit melatonin production, thinking it’s daytime. Blue light blocking glasses for sleep, however, can help you undo or even prevent sleep disorders and can limit the amount of blue light emitted by screens that affects your eyes, brain and hormones.

Today, no one should hesitate to wear blue light blocking glasses for sleep related concerns, as well as screen and eye protection. This way, you rest assured of improving your productivity in your respective careers. After all, a prerequisite for mental health is having the right amount of sleep daily.

Here are the main benefits of using blue light protection glasses:

1.    Healthy, well rested eyes

Keeping your eyes glued to a computer screen will eventually tire your eyes and cause blurred vision and or twitchy eyes. “Powering through” to get your work done or staying up all night may not even be an option when your eyes are pulsating or in pain. However, wearing blue light protection glasses can deflect blue light from your eyes. lessening the onset of headaches, migraines or the eye fatigue caused by blue light overload.

2.    Deep, restorative sleep

Did you know that 35% of adults in the USA don't get sufficient sleep? 50-70 million others suffer from at least one sleep disorder, insomnia being the most common.

Melatonin plays an important role in the regulation of sleep cycles (i.e., circadian rhythm). Its production is influenced by the detection of light and dark by the retina of the eye. Unfortunately, excessive exposure to digital screens affects melatonin production. If this problem lingers for too long, health issues are sure to ensue. Blue light blocking glasses for sleep are an easy, affordable solution to our chronic exposure to artificial sources of blue light and can help to restore natural sleep cycles.

Don’t allow blue light exposure to affect your health or slow down your productivity. If you, like so many others have started noticing the early signs of Computer Vision Syndrome, do not hesitate to get blue light blocking glasses for sleep today. You put up ad-blockers to enjoy your favorite websites uninterrupted. You lock your car doors to protect your valuables. You buckle your seatbelt on an airplane before takeoff. Now it’s time to protect your eyes. Slip on stylish blue-blockers to enjoy your vision and protect your most valuable sense of sight.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Harmful Effects of Artificial Blue Lights and its Remedies

The artificial blue light from the computer screens, smartphones and other electronic devices have several harmful effects on our health. Let have a look at those below 

  • Headaches and Migraines
People who are prone to headaches or migraines can be highly affected by artificial blue light.Many researchers believe that there is a particular neural path from the eyes to the brain (separate from how vision is transmitted) that causes  blue light wavelengths to worsen headache and migraine symptoms such as photophobia and light sensitivity, dizziness or nausea, and more.
  • Eye Strain and Computer Vision Syndrome
Today the majority of jobs requires you to stare at computer screens for a long time causing people to  absorb a significant amount of blue light through our eyes. Exposure to devices such as smartphones leads to eye fatigue and soreness which are major symptoms of computer vision syndrome and eye strain. In addition to that, blue light emitted from computer screen worsens dry eye symptoms as well.
  • Negative Effect on Sleep
Are you tired of sleepless nights? Longing for a good night’s rest? The reason behind your sleeplessness might be the artificial blue light emitted by your computer screen. This light is associated with disruption in sleeping patterns. People who work on computers, especially during the evening hours, inhibit the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep instinct. Looking at mobile devices for extended periods before going to bed can cause drowsiness, lower energy and alertness the next day.

Now that you know the harmful effects of blue light, the question is how to reduce your  exposure to blue light? Of course shutting yourself in a dark room and throwing away all the electronic devices is not a realistic solution! There are few ways though that you can minimize the damaging effects of blue light.  These include:
  1. Blue blocker computer glasses
Wearing blue blocker glasses for computers is one of the simplest and less expensive ways to stimulate healthy sleep and lower the risk of chronic mental disease. Wear these blue blocker computer glasses everywhere you are exposed to artificial blue light.
  1. Use Night Mode on your devices  Enabling night mode on your computer or smartphone “warms up” harshlight to simulate more natural outdoor lighting reducing eye fatigue and blinky eyes.
  2. Switch off your smartphones or devices
Switching off your smartphone and other electronic devices at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed helps to enhance your sleep duration and quality.
  1. Sleep in a completely dark room
Make sure to turn off and block out all the lights off in the room you sleep in, this includes all your electronic device lights, even alarm clocks, as minimal lighting can decrease melatonin production and interrupt your circadian rhythm. Exposure to even a small amount of room light during sleep has been shown to suppress melatonin by more than 50 percent.

SafetyBlue™ blockers provide high quality blue blocker computer glasses that help in reducing the harmful effects of artificial blue lights on your eyes and your health.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Buying the Blue Blockers for Computer

There is a huge availability of blue blockers for computers on the market. Are you looking to buy the blue blocker glasses for the computer? Also, need a little convincing before you make a purchase?

Here are a few reasons why you should think about buying a pair of blue blockers for computer:

They can minimize eye strain.

Do you work with a computer or smartphone all day? If yes, it can cause problems that range from neck problems to carpal tunnel syndrome. Probably, it won’t surprise you to know that spend a long time staring at a screen can cause eye strain.

One of the best reasons behind it is the bright blue light they emit. Using blue light blockers will reduce eye fatigue and the things that come along with it like blurred vision and headaches.
They might slow down age-related macular degeneration.

Much research should be done in this regard. However, some primary studies indicate that blue light penetrates your eye all the way to the retina. Blue light blocking glasses can mitigate the damage that will cause problems later in life.

They will help you get better sleep.

Blue blocker glasses for the computer can give you a better good night sleep. Exposure to too much blue light too late in the evening can impact badly on the circadian rhythms. It stops the melatonin production.

Melatonin is the chemical present in your brain which tells your body that it’s time to go to bed. Most experts recommend that switching off all devices that give off blue light at least two hours before going to bed.

But it’s not always possible. To get rid of the negative side effects of late night blue light exposure, blue blockers for the computer are a must.

Final Consideration –

Are you still worried about that you’re going to look like a total nerd in your blue blocker glasses for the computer? It would be best if you didn't stress more as blue blockers for the computer are quite common these days. They have become easier to adapt in.

Please check out the available blue blocker glasses for computer at SafetyBlue™. Our blue blockers for computer allow you to defend against sleep loss, eye strain induced headaches, vision fatigue and much more. We have two classic designer quality frame styles available, each with lenses featuring complete UV protection and flawless five layer defensive coating. For more information about our products, please visit our website at

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Ultimate Significance of Green Light Blocking Glasses

Blocking out blue or green light before bedtime helps you get better sleep. Also, better sleep is connected to colossal health benefits. It includes improved weight management, a healthier immune system, improved memory, lower blood pressure, and odds of heart failure. Therefore, you should consider wearing green light blocking glasses. 

Green and blue wavelength light are emitted by TVs, computers, and curly compact fluorescent lights. They take a big bite of your ability to sleep. Exposure to green or blue light in the evening hours plays havoc on your circadian rhythm function – the body clock. It suppresses melatonin levels and tricks our brain into thinking it’s time to stay awake and not the time to sleep. 

Melatonin is the hormone that makes you sleep. About one or two hours before your general bedtime, a small gland present in your brain – the pineal gland starts producing melatonin. However, melatonin is only sufficiently produced when the day winds are down, and the light turns dark. 

According to research, exposure to artificial light during the night can disrupt your sleep. The blue light comes from TVs, iPads, and smartphones is harmful to circadian rhythm function. Here are a few reasons why you should consider wearing a pair of green light blocking glasses:

In general, light keeps you up at night. 

Most people even those without a diagnosed sleep disorder like circadian rhythm disorder are sensitive to evening light. People diagnosed with this type of disorder are unable to sleep and wake at times needed for general work, school, and social needs. 

Usually, shift workers are at higher risk for circadian rhythm disruptions because of their non-traditional schedules. This is also known as shift-work disorder and can lead to mishaps and other terrible consequences. 

Blue or green light blocking glasses can block a significant amount of light generally, which can help your bodies into sleepy time. This general dimness can be achieved by turning off lights and brightness on electronics. It may minimize the amount of time which takes for you to fall asleep during the night. 

The green light from TVs and screens suppresses melatonin production. 

Green light or blue light is particularly harmful to your sleep. This wavelength suppresses melatonin – which helps to regulate circadian rhythm, more vigorously than other wavelengths. Most of the energy efficient light sources including your favorite electronic devices like TVs, tablets, smartphones produce high concentrations of this light. 

 According to research, it’s found that the blue light suppressed melatonin for about twice as long as the green light and shifted the circadian rhythms by twice. The emission of blue and green light impacts on the quality and length of sleep as well as reduced daytime dysfunctions due to sleepiness.
However, green light blocking glasses can block as much light as possible. Therefore, you should consider buying them, if you want to prevent the harmful impacts of blue and green lights. 

You should stop using electronic devices before bed. 

You should keep electronic devices like smartphones out of bedrooms. After all, it’s tough. Also, when you are going to catch up on your favorite shows if you can’t watch TV before bed? If you are one of them and can’t give up on nighttime electronics, the green light blocking glasses can help.
The green light blocking glasses have shown an increase of melatonin levels even when the electronics usage remains the same. 

Bottom Line –

These are the important considerations you should make when it comes to getting rid of harmful blue light and green light emissions from the latest electronic gadgets. Consider buying a pair today, and you won’t regret at the end.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

UV Blue Light Glasses: Improving the State of Your Health

Sometimes, the nature of your job may allow you to have unguarded access to the use of a computer. The reason is that you need the computer to facilitate the enormous activities of your business transactions. Unfortunately, using a computer device, on a daily basis, for more extended periods can be harmful to your health.

Similarly, you can even make matters worse when you are a phone addict. The fact is that excessive exposure to blue light is one of the leading causes of mental breakdown. However, with the introduction of UV blue light glasses, you rest assured of gaining control over blue light exposure.
Perhaps, you’re yet to know how valuable UV blue blockers are to your eyes. Fortunately, here are some highlights to how essential it is for you to embrace a product like UV blue blockers.

1.    Naturally induced sleep

Have you been having a hard time delivering your best at work? A direct pointer to your inefficiency is the lack of quality sleep. Unfortunately, computers and mobile devices can expose your eyes to a high amount of blue light. The work of the blue light, unfortunately, is to disrupt the natural activities of the brain. Therefore, you have a hard time knowing the suitable time you should be in bed. After all, you are finding it difficult to sleep well for many days. However, you can use the UV blue light glasses for shielding your eyes from blue light penetration. This way, you rest assured of getting the rest you need after a long day at work. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about sleeplessness because your brain can induce sleep naturally.

2.    Healthy looks

You don’t want to be at your place of work appearing sickly before the starting of the day’s activities. The fact is that sleeplessness can cause your body to release the stress hormone. At this point, you feel uneasy and helpless because you’re too weak to remain active on your job. However, getting the right amount of sleep can make you feel healthy and revitalized. After all, you have been able to shield your eyes from blue light penetration with the help of blue blockers.

Finally, you shouldn’t cultivate the habit of using devices that emit blue light for long periods without protection. Therefore, it is ideal you get UV blue light glasses for your eyes. This way, you’re able to maintain a healthy lifestyle without being at risk of losing your sight in the future.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Top 3 Advantages Of Blue Light Blocking Glasses

You’ve probably heard about blue light blocker computer glasses and may be skeptical if there’s really any benefit to wearing them. You may also be confused about when and where to wear them and what they actually do. Studies abound citing their benefits, but one study to take note of suggests that teenagers may be even more sensitive than adults to blue light. Just an hour of exposure from a glowing device, like a phone, in the evening time suppressed melatonin (a hormone that influences circadian rhythms) by 23% and two hours decreased it by 38%. Still not convinced? Here are three reasons why you should consider a pair of blue blocker glasses for yourself and protect your vision starting today.

  1. Decrease Eye Strain and Fatigue
It’s a know fact that working with your computer for prolonged periods of time can cause neck problems and carpal tunnel syndrome. But it may be a surprise that eye strain is another computer related problem. The main culprit behind this is the bright blue UV light your computer or smartphone screen releases. Using blue blockers while using various devices will certainly decrease eye strain and other issues such as blurred vision and headaches, but it could also have long term positive effects on your both your vision and your sleep.
  1. Slow Down or Prevent Age-Associated Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss. It affects more than 10 million Americans which is more than cataracts and glaucoma combined. Preliminary research on this topic suggests that when blue light enters the retina, long term damage can ensue such as damaged retinal cells. This can cause vision problems like age-related macular degeneration. Blue blocker glasses can lessen this damage and reduce eye strain and eye fatigue at the same time.
  1. Get To Sleep Faster and Sleep More Deeply
Artificial lighting in your home emitted from devices and stray overhead lighting can deeply affect your sleep. Contact with artificial light late in the evening can impact your circadian rhythm in both the short and the long term. How? By preventing the secretion of melatonin – the chemical in your brain that lets your your body know it is bedtime. Experts advocate deactivating all gadgets that release blue light at least two hours before bed. However, not only is this not realistic but traditional blue blockers only partially protect you from the problems artificial lighting at night can cause. SafetyBlueTM Eyewear has an innovative solution, upgraded blue blocking glasses if you will, that block the two most dangerous light frequencies (blue and green) affecting melatonin production in the evening hours. If turning off your gadgets and investing in more healthy lighting in your home is not an option, get a pair of Sleep SaviorTM glasses today.

Still concerned that you are going to look like an absolute nerd in your blue light blockers? Not to worry! SafetyBlueTM offers fashionable blue blocking glasses for day and nighttime use, featuring five styles to decrease eye strain, headaches and excess fatigue due to extended use of digital screens. Filter out blue light emitted from computers, laptops, iPads, etc. with ease, the right amount of protection at the right times of the day and night. SafetyBlueTM blue and green light filtering glasses are the long-lasting & smart eyewear for both the techie guru and the wellness elite.