Thursday, May 30, 2019

Harmful Effects of Artificial Blue Lights and its Remedies

The artificial blue light from the computer screens, smartphones and other electronic devices have several harmful effects on our health. Let have a look at those below 

  • Headaches and Migraines
People who are prone to headaches or migraines can be highly affected by artificial blue light.Many researchers believe that there is a particular neural path from the eyes to the brain (separate from how vision is transmitted) that causes  blue light wavelengths to worsen headache and migraine symptoms such as photophobia and light sensitivity, dizziness or nausea, and more.
  • Eye Strain and Computer Vision Syndrome
Today the majority of jobs requires you to stare at computer screens for a long time causing people to  absorb a significant amount of blue light through our eyes. Exposure to devices such as smartphones leads to eye fatigue and soreness which are major symptoms of computer vision syndrome and eye strain. In addition to that, blue light emitted from computer screen worsens dry eye symptoms as well.
  • Negative Effect on Sleep
Are you tired of sleepless nights? Longing for a good night’s rest? The reason behind your sleeplessness might be the artificial blue light emitted by your computer screen. This light is associated with disruption in sleeping patterns. People who work on computers, especially during the evening hours, inhibit the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep instinct. Looking at mobile devices for extended periods before going to bed can cause drowsiness, lower energy and alertness the next day.

Now that you know the harmful effects of blue light, the question is how to reduce your  exposure to blue light? Of course shutting yourself in a dark room and throwing away all the electronic devices is not a realistic solution! There are few ways though that you can minimize the damaging effects of blue light.  These include:
  1. Blue blocker computer glasses
Wearing blue blocker glasses for computers is one of the simplest and less expensive ways to stimulate healthy sleep and lower the risk of chronic mental disease. Wear these blue blocker computer glasses everywhere you are exposed to artificial blue light.
  1. Use Night Mode on your devices  Enabling night mode on your computer or smartphone “warms up” harshlight to simulate more natural outdoor lighting reducing eye fatigue and blinky eyes.
  2. Switch off your smartphones or devices
Switching off your smartphone and other electronic devices at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed helps to enhance your sleep duration and quality.
  1. Sleep in a completely dark room
Make sure to turn off and block out all the lights off in the room you sleep in, this includes all your electronic device lights, even alarm clocks, as minimal lighting can decrease melatonin production and interrupt your circadian rhythm. Exposure to even a small amount of room light during sleep has been shown to suppress melatonin by more than 50 percent.

SafetyBlue™ blockers provide high quality blue blocker computer glasses that help in reducing the harmful effects of artificial blue lights on your eyes and your health.

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