Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Ultimate Significance of Green Light Blocking Glasses

Blocking out blue or green light before bedtime helps you get better sleep. Also, better sleep is connected to colossal health benefits. It includes improved weight management, a healthier immune system, improved memory, lower blood pressure, and odds of heart failure. Therefore, you should consider wearing green light blocking glasses. 

Green and blue wavelength light are emitted by TVs, computers, and curly compact fluorescent lights. They take a big bite of your ability to sleep. Exposure to green or blue light in the evening hours plays havoc on your circadian rhythm function – the body clock. It suppresses melatonin levels and tricks our brain into thinking it’s time to stay awake and not the time to sleep. 

Melatonin is the hormone that makes you sleep. About one or two hours before your general bedtime, a small gland present in your brain – the pineal gland starts producing melatonin. However, melatonin is only sufficiently produced when the day winds are down, and the light turns dark. 

According to research, exposure to artificial light during the night can disrupt your sleep. The blue light comes from TVs, iPads, and smartphones is harmful to circadian rhythm function. Here are a few reasons why you should consider wearing a pair of green light blocking glasses:

In general, light keeps you up at night. 

Most people even those without a diagnosed sleep disorder like circadian rhythm disorder are sensitive to evening light. People diagnosed with this type of disorder are unable to sleep and wake at times needed for general work, school, and social needs. 

Usually, shift workers are at higher risk for circadian rhythm disruptions because of their non-traditional schedules. This is also known as shift-work disorder and can lead to mishaps and other terrible consequences. 

Blue or green light blocking glasses can block a significant amount of light generally, which can help your bodies into sleepy time. This general dimness can be achieved by turning off lights and brightness on electronics. It may minimize the amount of time which takes for you to fall asleep during the night. 

The green light from TVs and screens suppresses melatonin production. 

Green light or blue light is particularly harmful to your sleep. This wavelength suppresses melatonin – which helps to regulate circadian rhythm, more vigorously than other wavelengths. Most of the energy efficient light sources including your favorite electronic devices like TVs, tablets, smartphones produce high concentrations of this light. 

 According to research, it’s found that the blue light suppressed melatonin for about twice as long as the green light and shifted the circadian rhythms by twice. The emission of blue and green light impacts on the quality and length of sleep as well as reduced daytime dysfunctions due to sleepiness.
However, green light blocking glasses can block as much light as possible. Therefore, you should consider buying them, if you want to prevent the harmful impacts of blue and green lights. 

You should stop using electronic devices before bed. 

You should keep electronic devices like smartphones out of bedrooms. After all, it’s tough. Also, when you are going to catch up on your favorite shows if you can’t watch TV before bed? If you are one of them and can’t give up on nighttime electronics, the green light blocking glasses can help.
The green light blocking glasses have shown an increase of melatonin levels even when the electronics usage remains the same. 

Bottom Line –

These are the important considerations you should make when it comes to getting rid of harmful blue light and green light emissions from the latest electronic gadgets. Consider buying a pair today, and you won’t regret at the end.

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